Our trip starts with a bike festival! Sharon has been attending long before I showed up, and we volunteer as we can. The event was a bit smaller than years past, but the 100+ folks that did come made it a delightful time. We ate, we rode, we partied: all fun.
The plan was to leave Ernie plugged in for the four days, and relie on our feet and our bikes to get around, and the plan mostly worked. Sharon thought she forgot a prescription, and we did forget a couple other things, so Saturday after the rides started I drove home to retrieve, only to discover we had the prescription all the time. But now we have my panniers, and a piece of 2x4 to keep the back door open more easily.
One minor disappointment was the loss of my bike tools. Somehow my bag got unzipped while I was riding The Beast (or Gar Pond), and they fell out. C'est la vie.
Overall, though, it was wonderful time with friends from all over. We come together for a shared interest, and the community we create is heartening.
I feel a little better about all the things I forget or lose ...and the places they are found. ;-)